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Terms of use


The Site is managed by CALESTANI CLAUDIO ANGELO which is a company under Italian law, registered at the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, P.Iva 04309880153, with registered office in 20161 Via Lisiade Pedroni, 28/1 Milan.

Acceptance of TU

We inform you that your use of the Site is subject to these terms of use.

If you do not intend to accept them, we invite you to stop browsing.

Access to any feature of the Site and its use is equivalent to acceptance of this tU.

Privacy Policy

Before browsing the Site, please read carefully our Privacy Policy.

Registration and account Claudio Calestani

We inform you that you are responsible for the correctness of your data, their inclusion and their updating.

Claudio Calestani will not be liable in any way for any damage arising and/ or related to your errors and/ or in case of failure to update the data.

We invite you to keep with great diligence the credentials of access (username and password) to the Site.

If you lose your credentials, you can contact us for information on how to manage your Claudio Calestani account or to create new login credentials.

Brands, models and content of the Site

Claudio Calestani is the owner of the trademarks, models and all content on the Site. Any unauthorized reproduction or use is expressly prohibited.

You may only use the information on the Site for your own personal use. If you are not a consumer (as defined by the Consumer Code) and you are browsing the Site for professional reasons, we invite you, before downloading and/ or using any information, to contact our offices.

Interruption of the Site operation for causes unrelated to Claudio Calestani

Claudio Calestani can in no case be held responsible for damages and/ or inconvenience due to causes unrelated to its structure (By way of example and not exhaustive, delays or interruptions due to the fixed telephone line).

Antivirus and security

Claudio Calestani uses antivirus software and security measures to protect its Site, but cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by viruses that may be present on the Site.

Before browsing the Site, we invite you to check the presence, on your terminal, of appropriate antivirus systems.

Limitations to the functionality of the Site

Claudio Calestani may, at his discretion and as necessary, restrict access to the Site or certain functions thereof. By way of example only and not exhaustive, for the maintenance of the Site.

Correctness of the information on the Site and Liability Claudio Calestani

We periodically check the correctness of the information published on the Site, but we do not guarantee that all the information therein is always correct, complete and updated.

Claudio Calestani cannot be held responsible for any damage resulting from the reliance placed on such information by the User or by third parties to whom such information has been forwarded.

If you believe that the Site contains incorrect information, please inform us and we will make the necessary corrections.

In any case, before any online purchase and in case of doubt, in order to avoid any error and/or potential damage, our staff is at your disposal at the following email address to provide you with all the information you need: .

links to third-party sites

Please note that the Site may contain hyperlinks to websites operated by third parties. Claudio Calestani is not responsible for the contents of third-party sites that refer to the Site or that are recalled by the Site itself.

The inclusion on the Site of hyperlinks of third-party websites does not imply any acceptance by Claudio Calestani of their content.

The provision of hypertext links to the Site by third-party websites is permitted only by prior written agreement with Claudio Calestani.

Exclusion of liability

Except for the hypotheses provided for by law, Claudio Calestani does not assume any responsibility and does not offer any guarantee in relation to the Site and its contents.

Except as provided by current legislation, Claudio Calestani is not responsible for any damage related and/ or otherwise connected to the Site.

User responsibility

The User agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Claudio Calestani from any damage and/or liability and/or costs and/or charges, none excluded even if not expressly mentioned, arising and/or connected by an incorrect and/or unauthorized use of the Site and/or the information contained therein.

Governing Law

TUs are regulated, interpreted and applied in accordance with Italian law.

Applicable forum

The courts of the place of residence or domicile of the consumer, if located in the territory of the State, shall be competent to settle any consumer dispute arising out of, or related to, these GSC and/or the TU. In any other case, including the circumstance in which the Customer is not a consumer within the meaning of the applicable legal provisions, the jurisdiction for the definition of any dispute will be exclusively devolved to the Court of Milan.


Any communication addressed to Claudio Calestani must be made by email or in writing by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, as determined by these GCS, at the following addresses:

  • by email:;
  • by mail: CALESTANI CLAUDIO ANGELO with registered office in 20161 Via Lisiade Pedroni, 28/1 Milan, Italy.


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